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Prices for sale: 352 of Aug 14 2024
Auction 353 (CURRENT)
1847 - 1861 Issues (1 - 38)
1861 - 1866 Issues (39 - 127)
1867 Grills (128 - 170)
1869 - Pictorials (171 - 223)
National Bank Note Issues (224 - 285)
Bank Note Issues (286 - 354)
1890 - 1893 Issues (355 - 369)
Columbian Exposition Issues (370 - 402)
1894 - 1895 Issues (403 - 426)
Trans-Mississippi Issues (427 - 444)
Pan-American Exposition (445 - 454)
1907 - 1908 Issues (455 - 470)
Louisiana Purchase Issues (471 - 485)
1908-1909 Issues (486 - 506)
Pan-Pacific Issues (507 - 513)
1912-1916 Definitives (514 - 536)
1915-1922 Definitives (537 - 551)
Kansas-Nebraska to Date (552 - 568)
Proofs, Essays and Specimens (569 - 581)
Fancy Cancels (582 - 595)
U.S. Airmail thru Locals (596 - 670)
U.S. Officials thru Newspapers (671 - 703)
U.S. Parcel Post thru Revenues (704 - 729)
U.S.Hunting Permit thru Stationery (730 - 816)
U.S. Errors and Freaks (817 - 859)
U.S. Booklet Panes (860 - 868)
U.S. Blocks of Four (869 - 936)
U.S. Plate Blocks and Strips (937 - 972)
U.S. Wholesale (973 - 1059)
U.S. Full Panes (1060 - 1065)
U.S. First Day Covers (1066 - 1110)
U.S. Illustrated Advertising Covers (1111 - 1168)
U.S. Stampless Covers (1169 - 1173)
U.S. Postal History (1174 - 1347)
U.S. Collections and Misc (1348 - 1390)
Confederate States (1391 - 1396)
U.S. Possessions (1397 - 1403)
Post Cards (1404 - 1445)
Autographs (1446 - 1459)
Paper Ephemera (1460 - 1479)
United Nations (1480 - 1481)
Philatelic Literature (1482 - 1495)
Canada (1496 - 1637)
Great Britain (1638 - 1748)
British Commonwealth (1749 - 1841)
General Foreign (1842 - 2023)
Foreign Wholesale (2024 - 2061)
Foreign Collections (2062 - 2113)
Foreign Revenues and Misc (2114 - 2123)
Foreign Covers (2124 - 2178)
Caboose (2179 - 2191)
Auction 352 (closed 2024-08-14)
1847 - 1861 Issues (1 - 19)
1861 - 1866 Issues (20 - 45)
1867 Grills (46 - 63)
1869 - Pictorials (64 - 79)
National Bank Note Issues (80 - 104)
Bank Note Issues (105 - 133)
1890 - 1893 Issues (134 - 137)
Columbian Exposition Issues (138 - 164)
1894 - 1895 Issues (165 - 175)
Trans-Mississippi Issues (176 - 189)
Pan-American Exposition (190 - 206)
1907 - 1908 Issues (207 - 223)
Louisiana Purchase Issues (224 - 244)
1908-1909 Issues (245 - 266)
Pan-Pacific Issues (267 - 276)
1912-1916 Definitives (277 - 322)
1915-1922 Definitives (323 - 346)
Kansas-Nebraska to Date (347 - 370)
Proofs, Essays and Specimens (371 - 376)
Fancy Cancels (377 - 427)
U.S. Airmail thru Locals (428 - 515)
U.S. Officials thru Newspapers (516 - 538)
U.S. Parcel Post thru Revenues (539 - 609)
U.S.Hunting Permit thru Stationery (610 - 667)
U.S. Errors and Freaks (668 - 685)
U.S. Booklet Panes (686 - 708)
U.S. Blocks of Four (709 - 758)
U.S. Plate Blocks and Strips (759 - 786)
U.S. Wholesale (787 - 870)
U.S. Full Panes (871 - 921)
U.S. First Day Covers (922 - 974)
U.S. Patriotic Covers (975 - 975)
U.S. Illustrated Advertising Covers (976 - 1036)
U.S. Postal History (1037 - 1161)
U.S. Collections and Misc (1162 - 1189)
Confederate States (1190 - 1195)
U.S. Possessions (1196 - 1200)
Post Cards (1201 - 1244)
Autographs (1245 - 1257)
Paper Ephemera (1258 - 1271)
United Nations (1272 - 1276)
Philatelic Literature (1277 - 1344)
Canada (1345 - 1416)
Great Britain (1417 - 1510)
British Commonwealth (1511 - 1683)
General Foreign (1684 - 2000)
Foreign Wholesale (2001 - 2025)
Foreign Collections (2026 - 2168)
Foreign Revenues and Misc (2169 - 2176)
Foreign Covers (2177 - 2270)
Caboose (2271 - 2275)