The Table of Contents is available in the menu on the left side of your browser window. It uses a tree-type menu system to show the items you are most interested in, and to hide the others. Click the 'hamburger' icon ☰ on the left side of the site banner to toggle the menu on or off.
The lots in each auction are displayed as they are in our printed catalog; in order by lot number. Many lots are accompanied by a thumbnail photo. If you click once on the thumbnail, a larger image will display in an in-line popup. On large screens you may grab the titlebar to drag the image and click the 'x' to dismiss the popup. On small screens, touching the titlebar will dismiss the image.
On small screens the menu will automatically hide after you choose and item to display. Bring the menu back when you want by clicking the 'hamburger' icon.
Prices realized in past auctions are displayed on several pages. When you select prices for a particular auction, the first page is displayed. Page through all the prices for that auction by using the page links at the top and bottom of each page.
We do not include lot descriptions, since most folks are interested only in the particular lots they were bidding on. If you click on the lot number, though, its image will pop up in a new window.
Use the search icon 🔍 on the right side of the site banner to bring up a search dialog.
The starting page for searches has some help tips. Remember that the search is not perfect. If you don't find what you're looking for, please call, email or write, or browse the catalog using the table of contents.
Please use the most up-to-date browser your hardware will support and maximize your browser window in the vertical dimension to reduce the need to scroll. We have tested the site with most modern browsers on a variety of devices. Our favorite browsers are Firefox, Chrome and Safari; the Microsoft browsers (IE and Edge) provide a second-class experience. We are not testing older browsers, so your experience may vary with them.
You must have javascript (not Java) enabled on your browser. The site will not work without it.
We want your experience on our site to be enjoyable and productive. Please let us know if you have difficulty with the site, or if you have suggestions for improvements. Send email to our webmaster or call or write.